Mayor Tim Hancock | City of Riverton website
Mayor Tim Hancock | City of Riverton website
Advertisement for Bids
Automated Metering Infrastructure and LCR Compliance Project
The City of Riverton, Wyoming invites sealed bids for the Automated Metering Infrastructure and LCR Compliance Project to include the following:
Replace all 1” and ¾” meters in the city of Riverton. Install MXU remote-read radios and antennas on existing tower infrastructure. Inventory water service lines while installing meters. Install additional appurtenances, including meter pits, to ensure proper meter replacement and manage the project to ensure a smooth transition with city software and meter reading equipment.
Bids shall be delivered to:
Kristin S. Watson, City Clerk
City of Riverton816 North Federal Boulevard
Riverton, WY 82501
on or before 10 a.m., on June 29th, 2023 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Each bid shall be placed in a sealed envelope, clearly marked on the outside with the name of the bidder, and contain the words “Automated Metering Infrastructure and LCR Compliance Project”
Each bid must be accompanied by a bid bond or cashier’s check in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid. The successful bidder will be required to post performance and payment bonds, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the bid.
All bid documents, plans, and specifications may be obtained from In order to receive all related project documentation, please remember to select “Add me to Plan Holders” on the website.
A mandatory pre-bid conference is scheduled for 9 a.m., Wednesday, June 21st, 2023 at the city hall council chambers, 816 North Federal Boulevard. Instructions to attend via calling in or conferencing will be posted to
Submitted bids shall not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after opening.
The City of Riverton reserves the unilateral right to accept or reject any or all bids, make substitutions and waive informalities and technicalities as will be in the best interest of the City of Riverton, and to accept the bid which is deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Riverton.
The City of Riverton is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, and handicap status in employment or the provision of services. The City of Riverton does not discriminate on the basis of handicap status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs or activities. The City Clerk has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in Section 504 of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations.
Pursuant to Wyoming Statute §16-6-106, “preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, agricultural products, equipment, machinery and provisions produced, manufactured, supplied or grown in Wyoming, quality being equal to articles offered by the competitors outside the state”.
In accordance with Wyoming Statute §15-1-113 (p), all bidders are informed of the provisions contained in Wyoming Statute §15-1-113, which are a part of the contract documents and are incorporated herein by reference.
Dated this 7th day of June, 2023.
Brendan P. Thoman, Engineer
City of Riverton
Original source can be found here.